It’s a new year meaning new and exciting things are happening in the shop. We have everything lined up from local authors coming in, “Story Time With Mrs. Crouse” (and a fill in for Mrs. Crouse when she is out of town), book clubs and much more.
“Story Time with Mrs. Crouse” will happen at least one Saturday a month. These will be posted with plenty of time for signing up on our site since registration is required for our story times. However, there will be times that we may do a surprise story time which will be posted on our site for either the following weekend or the weekend after. We have a total of two story times this month. One is January 13th at 10:30am of Wide Mouth Frog. The other is from a local author that will be in.
Author appearances are being lined up for the year. So far between now and the end of May we have three authors coming in that are local. One is Lisa Conner on January 27th at 10:30am. She will have books for sale along with free items for kids to take home as well. Her books will then be for sale in the store in our local author section from there. She will also have a story time as well included with her appearance. We have two other authors coming up in March and again in May. Our March one is March 23rd of Jill Marie Denton, time is TBD. Our May author will be announced next month.
Our book club times minis romance have all been announced on our socials so be sure to check that out.
Also, mid April through tentatively May, book donations will be temporarily suspended. For those of you that I have not mentioned to this yet too, I am expecting my daughter at the end of April and I am planning to take that extra little bit of time to wrap up getting everything ready for her appearance as well right after she’s born to spend with her before I jump back into a ton of new inventory work.